Back again

Writing is a real struggle for me. “They” say to just write, let it flow, but I can’t help but strive for perfect punctuation, etc., and that slows everything down to a turtle’s pace. Consequently, I tend to put it off. I hear that’s quite common among those of us with ADD.

I’ve been putting it off for far too long already, and I vow to do better with blogging, though I’m old school and not quite sure what blogging is exactly. How’s that for a resolution, and it’s not even New Year’s Eve when I usually make resolutions (that usually fall by the wayside.) Maybe this one will fare better.

I’m taking a class in Memoir Writing, which is forcing me to write. It’s painful bringing up old memories. I’m working my way through the bad ones and trying to remember some good ones. Not much luck so far.

I’m also trying to navigate my way around WordPress to update my pages. My second son was helping me put up the pages, but he’s no longer able to due to increased family responsibilities. So at 72 years old, I’m jumping in to do it myself. Wish me luck!

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